Sunday 31 July 2016

Little BIG shoes lover

Missy has been rather selective with her own shoes these days. She knows how to pick and put on her socks & shoes all on her own. After trying on our slippers, she is finally willing to put on her flip flop slippers. One thing for sure, she adores adult or our shoes which she claimed ‘shoee’ (sounded more like ‘choo’) and ‘liang liang’ (pretty in Hakka) if the shoe/heels comes with anything that tickles her fancy or my heels with blings or all sorts of pretty ornaments. Well, that's exactly what girls are made of, right? - sugar and spice & all things nice! :)

Caught in action

It had been a while since I spotted her trying on my heels and recently, I caught her removing her sandal and slip on her aunt’s Jelly bunny peep toe wedges sneakily and started walking away happily :)

My bib says it all! Taken @ 1y3mo



By aikoakito