About Me

I am a Malaysian Chinese lass brought up in a Christian family, a daughter, sister, and tsuma-to-be to my partner in crime of 4.5 good years whom I affectionately address as the ‘boss’ in my blog. I started blogging in June 2009 via wordpress, where I blogged mainly about the life of an undergraduate. I moved to my current cyber home in June 2011, a space where I deposit anything worth noting while picking up stones and pebbles into my adult-hood :). This cyber-home of mine isn't a closet filled with all cute bunnies and colorful butterflies, but it pretty much serves as a memory vault which I bet will leave me plentiful of memorable moments in my old days :). 

I am a fond believer of all things DIY; from things as subtle as washing my own car, sparkling my own jewelry, minor dress altering job and so forth. If given the luxury of time, I would love to embark into sewing art and baking. Besides, I am a true blue procrastinator and embarrassingly a klutz :P Am also enamored with all things cute, crafty and  vintage-y, I think that explains where most of my salary goes :P. I’ve always had problems picking a single or two particular tonnes. I loved them all, and will always try to impart them all together in one piece, specifically cheerful pastel color as you can see from most of my photo layouts :). I am reachable at aikoakito@yahoo.com. I’d love to hear from you :)

Cheers! (261212, 050711, 120611)


By aikoakito