Saturday 18 August 2012

A Little Bit Wiser

My blog is growing cobwebs. I have been completely consumed with work throughout the month of June and for July, it was a weekend-less month for me and another two colleagues from our department to attend a part-time intensive one-month course conducted by IAOP. I am still doing fine (or I rather believe so) but one thing for sure, the laid-back phase is totally over and life is back to grind, and will remain this way for at least until the end of the year. I am still learning and trying my best to juggle a balance in life and keeping my sanity at the same time :). On so many occasions, I get so tempted to keep my blog alive. Knowing the aftermath this will probably result, I have been constantly drumming into my head that this blog is a hobby thus it should wait :P.

The Raya break is just around the nook and I am so happy that I can finally catch some breath and to seize some quiet and peaceful moments to catch up with some office works, despite having to return to the office right after the Raya’s public hols, where most of my colleagues are taking one week stretch of leaves next week :). Earlier this week (130812), I am one full year wiser (well, don’t go for its literal meaning, it’s just a better way of addressing the word ‘older’ in my opinion) :P. Nothing much to highlight about my birthday this year, I had almost overlooked without my colleague reminded me one week prior when she handed me my pay slip where my IC number is printed on the front page :). 

I have been toying with the dream of taking a day off on the day itself to have the luxury of sleeping in. But, eventually threw that idea out of the window since I have taken a week off the hectic schedule the week before, with the courtesy of my head of department so that I can do some last minute reading and to sit for 3 papers including one for IAOP, it all paid off as I am now a certified outsourcing specialist *grin*. On the day itself, I was pleasantly surprised by a text message sent upon the clock strikes 12 midnight by a long good friend who is currently working in Baku, Azerbaijan. I have been receiving birthday greetings from this friend of mine whom I get to know during National Service back in 2004 every year without fail all the way from the land of fire and silk :). Not forgetting, all the warm wishes I received on Facebook, e-mails and phone calls. 

On that evening itself, we had a dinner fix at my parent’s all time fave restaurant, repeating some similar all time fave dishes thus not showing any food photos here :P. My brother, who is the sweetest fella in the family had never failed to come out with a custom made card (photo-shopped) like any other years featuring the whole family members with my photo as above on the main page, not forgetting our two mischievous furry friends too :). With him around, no celebrations (our parent's anniversary, birthdays, graduation etc) will go without custom made cards, e-cards or videos. The photo above was taken by the boss one day apart after we watched The Avengers at Toysrus during his visit in May 2012. The boss then jested that I look 1000% silly with the mask on and commented that he is curious to watch an action movie casted by a scaredy and cowardy version of Captain America *roll eyes at him* :P. 



By aikoakito