Monday 15 August 2011

Happy Feet

That morning (300711), the moment I alighted from my bed, I have a good feeling towards chocolate color. Then I recalled I have new brown flats under my bed, still sitting inside the box. It took me a good few minute to rummage among all bags and boxes under my bed. Yes, I kept all my newly bought stuff under the bed until I find the time assigning them a place in my wardrobe or cupboard ;P.

So, I put on new flats that morning, after my mom assured me that they don’t bite (based on her experience). My mom and I shared quite a number of similar design foot wear, so from to time to time, we will consult each other before we fare ourselves putting them on for the first time. Unfortunately, we don’t share similar experience over similar designs :).

Before I left the house, I remembered to replenish the plasters in my purse and true enough, half way walking through the first hour, it started to bit me on the side and back side of my left foot (it always happen to the leftie). Not wanting to whine so much as I know the boss will definitely tease me with a i-told-you-so look (as always. Hehehe) so I sneakily hop into the Crocs (so called i.e pasar malam's Crocs) stall at Asia City Complex and gotten myself a pair of slippers when the boss was spending some quality time in the hobby outlet while I had mine strolling around the complex before we were off to the airport that evening with a church friend, who we bumped into in the hobby outlet, who happened to be the boss’ teenage friend but surprisingly, they have just found out that they can actually click along and sharing same love towards scale modeling in common:).

When I changed into the slippers at the airport and showed them to the boss, obviously he perceived the moment I sneaked into the stall but one funny thing was; when I was looking for him after my shopping, he didn’t noticed me going into the hobby outlet passing in front of him as he was so carried away chatting with his friend and they left the outlet for a drink after that while I was dawdling through the racks of figures inside the outlet :P.



By aikoakito