Sunday 7 August 2011

Registering August

Where have the first week of August gone to? I barely had time to register it was here before it flew by. I was caught with a nasty cold on Monday evening, I guessed it was among my worst experience ever. The house and car were fumigated with nasty viruses. Worse, I have to carry a leaking nose and sore throat to work for the whole week. Oh yes, did I mention that I am already working? Well, I am not sure if I can actually regard myself as working or spending the holidays wisely and I’ll talk more about it someday :).

Somehow, I am glad that at least, I did two things that made me feel good inside out. First, I managed to proofread 5 chapters for a friend’s thesis on solar car in 2 days, a future technology baby everyone will want to own one someday. I am so glad that I managed to get it done while trying to juggle a balance between work and quality sleep :). 

Secondly, I managed to spring clean my wardrobe. Finally after so much of procrastination, I am finally letting go cloths which I didn’t see the need to wear any of those which had been occupying the wardrobe space for dunno-how-long. Some were totally new, some have been worn less than 2 times. I'll just have packed them aside, and my mom will take care of the rest (i.e whom to give, where to send) and she has the name of recipients in mind beforehand :).


Floating Writer said...

GIRLFRIEND!! u are working now??? great!!! all da best ya!! cant wait to see u soon!! OHya!!! UNc Lee commented on my post and im freaking out ryte now!! hahaha i cant believe he read my blog :P

aikoakito said...

Hi darl, I will 'story' you soon. Oh really? This uncle lee must be a thoughtful guy. Hehehe :P


By aikoakito