Wednesday 27 July 2011

Spicy Sambal Mini Spring Roll

Spicy sambal mini spring roll was my all-time favourite. Back then, when I was a kid, I recollect that we only managed to purchase this through direct seller like Amway or Cosway since my family are not into any home baked/made cookies or any snacks. Unlike these days, we can conveniently buy these homemade version from the supermarket, but their availabilities are on the seasonal basis.

Last two days, I spent a good two hours (I only made about 100 pieces) in the kitchen wrapping and frying my first attempt for mini spring roll to go along with iced calamansi juice, which complimenting each other very well. The spicy shrimp paste was courtesy of my paternal aunt for us to go with dinner as condiment, since there were leftovers in the fridge I decided to make mini spring rolls (i.e popiah or 簿饼). The first 1.5 hour was spent for halving the popiah sheets into 4 sections and wrapping while the remaining 0.5 hour for frying. It was easier than I thought although they did not turn out neatly . My next aim (someday, more likely a dunno-when) would be trying my hands on to make the spicy sambal shrimp filling *self-motivation* :-).


eehtsitna said...

Somehow it taste better with the rojak sauce. =P

aikoakito said...

Bluek, soggy popiah was an exceptional case! =P


By aikoakito